
NOW accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
Priority Deadline: January 31, 2024

Preschool & Grade K cut off date: October 31

Preschool 3 & 4’s Program:

1. Apply online applications are available.)

2. Classroom Visit (Applicants will be notified to schedule a classroom visit.)

3. Notification (Notification packets will be mailed to all “on-time” applicants early March.)

New preschool applicants for the 2024-2025 school year must turn 3 or 4 years old on or before OCTOBER 31ST and be fully toilet trained. A copy of applicants immunization chart, valid TB test result & DHS 908 Form due to office upon registering.


1. Apply (online applications are available) *Applicant for kindergarten must turn 5-years-old on or before OCTOBER 31ST.

2. Needed documents (Download forms below and submit to your child’s current school/teacher)

3. Test (Testing take place in March. Parents will receive notification via mail of their child’s test date/time.)

4. Notification (Notification packets will be mailed to all “on-time” applicants in April)

Our selection takes into consideration all aspects of the application process, including report cards, teacher reference reports, test scores, and other criteria. The admission committee will determine the best fit socially, academically, emotionally, and spiritually, given the pool of children tested. There are 24 positions available (1 kindergarten class). A copy of applicants immunization chart & valid TB test result.

Grades 1-8:

1. Apply (online applications are available)

2. Needed documents (Download forms below and submit to your child’s current school/teacher)

3. Test (Testing take place in March. Parents will receive a letter via mail of their child’s test date/time)

4. Notification (Notification packets will be mailed to all “on-time” applicants in April)

Our selection takes into consideration all aspects of the application process, including report cards, teacher reference reports, test scores, and other criteria. A copy of applicants immunization chart & valid TB test result.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.